Tuesday 4 January 2011

Mr Green - the evidence that failed to become public

Mr Green, the forensic biologist, has a number of interesting comments to make in his evidence on the 3rd September and I'll try and cover these in my next post.  For the moment though read this exchange between him and Mr Dingemans (Mr Green had just been testifying about his activity at Harrowdown Hill on the afternoon of the 18th):

Q. That concluded your investigations on the day, did it?
A. On that day, yes.
Q. And what further investigations did you make?
A. Well, since then I have had upwards of -- I could count them but at a guess 50 items sent to the laboratory.
Q. To analyse?
A. To analyse, to carry out DNA profiling, to look at some of the staining in a little more detail.
Q. Right. And you have carried all that out and reported back to Assistant Chief Constable Page or through his senior investigating officer?
A. Well, my examinations are still ongoing.
Q. Right.
A. I have provided a spreadsheet with a kind of -- a snapshot of where we are today about what items have been examined, what has been found on them, which items were profiled, the results of those profile tests, although I have not put my evidence down in a statement form as yet.
Q. Because you are just finishing off the testing of that material?
A. Exactly.
Q. I think when all that is concluded Assistant Chief Constable Page is going to come back and tell us the results.

These are my thoughts on all this:
1.  It's a pity that Mr Green couldn't have supplied some interim information at this stage about his results.
2.  Why couldn't Mr Green come back at stage 2 of the Inquiry to divulge the results?  Surely he is far better qualified to do so than ACC Page.
3.  ACC Page needed two specialist search advisers to point the way to where Dr Kelly might be found yet now he is deemed to be a suitable witness on forensic biology!  Once again at Hutton we have an inappropriate person expected to give testimony.
4.  There was no explanation as to why Mr Green couldn't return but let us assume that there was a good reason for this.  A colleague of Mr Green's Ms Eileen Hickey attended at Harrowdown Hill on that afternoon.  Surely she would be the logical person to give evidence on the test results.  Why wasn't she called anyway?  Dr Andrew Watt has raised the issue of Dr Hickey's non appearance at the Inquiry http://chilcotscheatingus.blogspot.com/2010/11/dr-eileen-hickey-forensic-scientist.html
5.  ACC Page makes his second appearance at the Inquiry on 23rd September.  It seems that he, Lord Hutton and Mr Dingemans are suffering from collective amnesia on the afternoon of that day because the results of Mr Green's 50 or so lab tests AREN'T discussed at that time.
6.  ACC Page, Lord Hutton and Mr Dingemans were all great advocates for the suicide explanation for Dr Kelly's death.  If the forensic results from the lab were bolstering the suicide hypothesis would they have suffered the same apparent loss of memory referred to above?

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